Lakeside Church has the following five funds you can give to.


1. General Fund: This fund is used to support the operations and various ministries of Lakeside Church. 

2. Missions Fund: This fund is used to support our current missionaries, soup kitchens and short-term mission


3. Special Fund: The primary purpose of this fund is to support the summer camp program and scholarships to

attend the summer camp for those in need.

4. Benevolent Fund: This fund is used to help those within the Lakeside Church family with financial hardships.

5. Capital Projects Fund: This fund is used to fund new construction, expansion, renovation or replacement

project for existing facilities, or purchase of major equipment/assets.


Lakeside Church has the following five funds you can give to.


1. General Fund: This fund is used to support the operations and various ministries of Lakeside Church. 

2. Missions Fund: This fund is used to support our current missionaries, soup kitchens and short-term mission


3. Special Fund: The primary purpose of this fund is to support the summer camp program and scholarships to

attend the summer camp for those in need.

4. Benevolent Fund: This fund is used to help those within the Lakeside Church family with financial hardships.

5. Capital Projects Fund: This fund is used to fund new construction, expansion, renovation or replacement

project for existing facilities, or purchase of major equipment/assets.


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Lakeside Church of Chicago
Give to Lakeside Church of Chicago
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The fee would be for an ACH bank transfer.

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Please join us for worship at home via Church Online on Sunday's at 10:30am CST.  Link:


God Bless You,

Lakeside Church of Chicago

Lakeside Church Website
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